I'm away - orders will be sent out on Jan 27th. Thanks!!

My Journey Through Ethical Investing

In April I had the opportunity to tell my story of how I discovered I was investing in companies that I had been boycotting for my entire consumer life.

One part of living a low environmental lifestyle is the individual actions you take day to day and the second part is looking at how you can influence the bigger systems that negatively impact people and the planet. I found out that my KiwiSaver had been investing in fossil fuels, palm oil, animal testing and human rights violations - all this that I have a strong drive to avoid in my day to day life. The opportunity then arose for me to take action and shift my funds to an ethical provider. So I did.

Read more here

Check out Mindful Money to investigate what your KiwiSaver might be investing in and explore the CareSaver options on their website. CareSaver are the only provider that completely excludes all the bad stuff (many providers invest below 5%). 

We only promote brands and organisations that align with our values and who we believe are the best option available for what they provide. This article was written as part of our partnership with CareSaver, money from which helps fund our other projects. 

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