Pop Lab Summary


Pop Lab was an installation and temporary fabrication lab in the Arts Centre over summer 2018/19 that acted as a Fab City prototype demonstrating the intersection between the circular economy and industry 4.0. It was a showroom for locally produced, digitally exportable goods. It showcased how sustainable production and conscious consumption can reduce waste,connect productive communities and ultimately lead towards civic activities that support climate change goals.

Pop Lab demonstrated that circular economic systems can function in the current linear economy and prototyped potential opportunities for Christchurch in a publicly accessible and interactive way.

Read the full report here or see below for the summary info. 

PopLab Impact Flow
Pop Lab impact summary shown as stakeholders, outputs and outcomes
Pop Lab Workshop Attendees
Attendees reasons for attending a Pop Lab workshop. *Other: “I wanted to learn a new skill which I could bring back to my own community”

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