Social Change, One Name Tag at a Time

Name labels are often used for conferences, meetings, workshops and networking events. Working in waste reduction I was surprised to find this is even the case within the sustainability industry. These labels are single use, unrecyclable and often fall off into the environment before the user has an opportunity to dispose of them in a landfill bin. To add to that, the stickers original backing sheet is also single use, unrecyclable and is destined for landfill.







I saw these labels and their role in social interactions as an opportunity. We can engage people in a conversation around waste while diverting waste from landfill.  I decided to design something that fulfilled the same purpose as sticker name labels but is better for the planet.

These reusable name tags can be used in numerous ways:

- purchased and put your name on it in permanent marker, take with you in your bag or wallet and pull out when you get offered a sticker tag at meetings, workshops or events.
- if your workplace often holds meetings and workshops that require name tags, buy a bulk lot and get attendees to write names on them in whiteboard marker. At the end just wipe them clean for the next group. 
- include them in gift bags for guests to take away with them. They can then use them in their day to day work.

They are laser cut from ice cream container lids which are not currently accepted in local recycling systems (Polypropylene, RIC 5, unrecycled plastic ice cream tub lids) into reusable name tags that also convey cultural and social information.

These small name tags can be a vehicle for social change, not just around how we use and view waste but also through diversity and inclusion.  



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