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Fast Track Approvals Bill and Some Things You Can Do About It

The past month has been a little disheartening with the Fast Track Approvals Bill news. Essentially, the Government is looking to put in place a process that skips public, iwi and science consultation and recommendations for various projects. This means that they can give the go ahead to destructive companies (like mining, deep sea drilling etc) without any input from anyone. 

The potential damage, both environmental and social, that these actions have are truly terrifying. 

Below are a few things you can do to help support campaigns fighting this bill and I will keep you posted with more.

Proceeds from Pūteketeke Earrings Donated to Forest & Bird 

I've decided to donate all the proceeds from our Pūteketeke design to Forest & Bird to support their 'Stop the Fast Track Bill' campaign. 

Petition: Show us your list / Forest & Bird

The Government is refusing to release a list it is developing of environmentally-damaging projects – coal mines on public conservation land, huge dams that flood forests and fish farms in already compromised oceans – it wants to rubber stamp under its proposed Fast-track Approvals Bill.

PetitionDon't fast track Te Waikoropupū! / GreenPeaceNZ

Te Waikoropupū Springs have some of the clearest water ever measured on earth. Last year the Springs received a Water Conservation Order (WCO) from the Environment Court. The WCO gives a special cloak of protection that which councils must abide by when considering resource consents. 
Yet if the Fast Track Approvals Bill were to pass into law the way it is written, the Government would be able to bypass the protections the WCO gives Te Waikoropupū Springs. 

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