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Where should we send green bin organics? CCC Submission

You may have seen that the Christchurch City Council is taking feedback on our organics plant. Currently there is an issue with odor in the surrounding area so they are looking for a short term plan to bridge the gap for a longer term solution. 

They have proposed 5 options - all of which are outlined in the consultation document. I won't go through them here because I highly suggest you take a look at that (there are pictures! :D ). 

I have made a submission because 4 out of the 5 options proposed do not align with many of the local and national climate goals and even local policies (ie sending green waste to landfill). 

Please have a good look at the Council website before making a submission. My notes on the options are below - If you do submit on this, please change into your own words otherwise the duplication limits the impact. 

Make your submission here by clicking "Tell us what you think":


We feel it is important that the Council chooses an option that aligns with their sustainability policies because otherwise it undermines them and why they are there in the first place. Sending any organic waste to Kate Valley should be avoided at all costs as this has significant impact on the environment and does not align with the local or national environmental goals.

We strongly recommend that the Council chooses option 5 for the organic waste processing. This solution provides local processing, reduces the odor issues and is a good stopgap while the long-term solution is being resolved. We feel this option uses resources already available locally and means there is no need to explore options that would go against the Council’s sustainability policies. It is also possible within 6-12 months. Anything that would take longer than that, for a short-term solution, isn’t appropriate because it would take time and resources away from the long term solution.

The Council has stated that option 3 (processing to continue at the plant) is not preferred as this is the cause of the odor issue. Option 4 of reducing the amount of material going to the plant will impact collection systems and stakeholder buy-in. Any short term changes to collections for rate payers are hard to undo when solutions are found (as evidenced by the recycling challenges faced through covid).

While option 1 would continue the collection of material and adequate composting/worm farming, we feel that shipping any waste material around the country is not a viable solution when working towards climate goals. Even if there were local solutions for this, strong consideration needs to be taken on whether this is necessary.


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