The End of a Huge Year!
As many of you already know, 2019 has been massive for us here at Remix Plastic. We wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for their support - whether it was coming along to a workshop, buying a product, getting in touch with a question or recommending us to others.
We have some exciting things lining up for 2020 and look forward to working with more amazing people in the coming year.
Below is a (likely incomplete) summary of our 2019:
- Pop Lab
- Kids Fest Pop Up Shop
- Share Plastic free eBook
- So Circular – Circular Economy Podcast/radio show
- One Planet website
- Bread Tags for Wheelchairs drop off point for Christchurch
- School Strike 4 Climate marches
- Plastic Free July events
- Assembly Point shop and workshop space
- WEA facilitator
- Fashion Revolution Week
- Smart Chch Expo
- FLINT Expo
- 2040 Film Screening
- Who is Hussain’s Garden City Living event
- Tool Lendery Christchurch workshop
- Speaking 4 the Planet
- One Summit, Wanaka
- Future of Learning Conference
- Artwork in Auckland Art Week exhibition, Opp Art
- The Arts Centre Markete
- Conscious Club markets
- Space Academy Market
- Seaweek
- Estuary Fest
- Beach clean ups
- White Monday
- Plus, numerous workshops and presentations around the city
- Home and Family product donation
- Loopy Tunes Music product donation
- WEA sustainable living series product donation
- 1.5 Degrees Live product donations
- Over 250 Climate Action Now badges given out to students at the three School Strike 4 Climate marches throughout the year
- Climate Action Now badge donation accepted into the Canterbury Museum’s collection
- Awarded ‘Creative in Residence’ role at Tūranga Library
- Ballantynes Future Canterbury Grant recipient
- Finalist in the Keep New Zealand Beautiful Most Sustainable Business Project Award
- Sarah Greig Illustration
- Ashley Co
- Aora Creo
- Clean Coast Kiwi
- 4C Centre, YMCA
- The Rubbish Whisperer
- Tūranga Library
- The Rubbish Trip
- Mia Sutherland
- New Brighton Stitch-O-Mat
- Creative Junk
- Krama & Co
Memberships and Networks